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Playing age: 32-42

Height: 1.60 cm

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

Language: Spanish, English (C1), German (B2), French (A2), Catalan (Basic)

Instrument: Flute /Piano

Vocal Range: Mezzosoprano. Pop & Jazz

Sports: Acrobatics, Stilwalk, Vertical Dance, Martial Arts (Kalaripayattu) Skating, Yoga, Tennis, Pilates, Swimming. 




2006-2010 BA Physical Theater at "Institut del Teatre" of Barcelona. 


2010 Eramus Grant at Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland) in the specialities of Circus and Contemporary Dance.


Contemporary Dance at Karen Taft School in Madrid, Area Dansa and Varium in Barcelona. (2003-2009)


Contemporary Dance Training with David Zambrano, Les Slovaks, German Jaúregui, Laura Aris, Ernesto Edivaldo, Roberto Oliván, Fighting Monkey




1993-2000 Elementary & Intermediate Level Music Studies in Flute at Conservatory  Mérida (Spain) 


2001-2006 BA Journalism at Carlos III University, Madrid. 


2009 Scholarship by Institut del Teatre to participate in XXV Prima del Teatro de San Miniato (Italy) with the Russian teacher Nicolai Karpov in biomecanics technique.


2014 Scholarship by “Institut del Teatre” to participate in the Summer Workshop SITI Company and Anne Bogart in New York City.


2018 Workshop "Meisner Technique" at Actor Space Berlin. 


2021 "Truth in Acting" Hecke Method at ISFF Berlin. 


*Currently studying the Master "Cultural Management" at Universitat Oberta Catalunya*







Photo: Maro Niemmann

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